The performance SHELTER is addressing the life and work of women and the social conditions that shape them. As well as, the stereotypes and the gender identity that are assigned to them. Those conditions are the result of women’s systematic oppression in human society.
During the four hours long performance, I collaborated with a bunch of bed sheets and a sculpture. The bed sheets were donated by women that seemingly have few in common but they have all experienced the labor of love. They have all laid down on those bed sheets tired, desperate, scared or happy and satisfied; sometimes alone, sometimes in the arms of a loved one or next to their torturer. Their most sacred dreams have soaked on those bed sheets. Their most occult secrets are buried under the sheets of the beds that they have made with their own hands.
Whoever wishes to share with me this personal piece of their lives, can leave their bed sheets at the A. Antonopoulou Art gallery until October 7th or offer them during the performance. The bed sheets can be of any color and size, new or old. The only condition is for you to have used them to rest your body and dream of a new world. A world in which women can claim their dreams without fearing for their lives.
The performance SHELTER took place at A. Antonopoulou Art gallery on October 9, 2021 from 12:00 to 16:00, during the photography solo NATURA TRANSITA by Yannis Tzortzis.
